Letter to my Son:
I finished the New Testament today. Wish I could share some great insights, but I don’t have a whole lot of understanding of that book (Revelation). I wish I did. I guess I need to ask Heavenly Father for more insight, seeing’s as it does have all the last day’s prophecies. ;o) There were a few verses here and there that have such a positive note for us and how we will be blessed even in the difficulty of the last days if we keep and live the commandments . Here’s one verse I liked:
Rev 21:7 “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.”
I just thought that was cool—that if we overcome all these difficulties and challenges and struggles, then we can inherit ALL things. LOVE IT!! And isn’t the last part tender? I love the line, “and he shall be my son (daughter).” Just brings comfort and peace. And knowledge that we truly are His!