The Greatness in You…is it Invisible?

I’ve seen this video a few times now and each time I do, something in my heart stirs.  I wanted to share it to remind you that becoming who we are to become sometimes doesn’t happen in the way we think it should.  Really, it is by the small and simple things in life that we do each day.  It is to realize who we are truly serving.  Man or woman, this video really is about “becoming.”

The Invisible Woman

2 thoughts on “The Greatness in You…is it Invisible?”

  1. Wow. What a great video. I’ve never seen this, but I needed it today. I’ve done a lot of invisible things this week and I was feeling neglected.

    Thanks for setting me straight.

    –Smile, Julie

  2. I love this video. and, like Julie, i really needed to hear it today, or this week. or all the time really. (: Life really isn’t about the recognition and the glory. its about god. and doing things for him. pleasing him. and trying, for him. I love that truth. thank you (:

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