The Real Secret of John Stockton Shorts

Yesterday, Cinco came in with some new shorts he had bought for his birthday.  He wondered if they were big enough or if he should go trade them in for a bigger size.  (Bear in mind, he’s always had clothes that are too big because he gets all the hand-me-downs.)  I looked down at his shorts which seemed to fit perfectly.  I said, “What is the problem with them?”

He said, “They’re only this long,” moving his hand to show me the length below his knee.

I said, “Well they look long enough to me.”

“Well, my other shorts come to here,” he said making a line at his calf.  (Which made me realize that this kid has always worn really long shorts.

Then Mr. Perfect chimed in, “Well, what about John Stockton shorts?”

To which Cinco quickly replied, “Well, they come up to here (making a line at his thighs), and I just don’t have the legs for that!”

He’s 10.  He’s funny.  I can only laugh and wonder what he thinks great legs look like…..

And now you know the secret to John Stockton’s shorts.