What I would like to accomplish on All About Becoming A Good Parents is to share some stories of Motherhood. As a young girl, my only dream was to become a mother and have a family. I wanted to be the BEST mother in the world, loved and adored by her spouse and children. Somewhere, sometime following marriage and the birth of my children, reality set in.
I soon found out that I was not perfect and things didn’t always go as I planned, like my kids sitting reverently in church perfectly dressed. No, I found out that finding matching socks was like playing a long game of “Concentration” and finding your kids Sunday shoes was like playing “I spy.” Shirts weren’t tucked in or pressed, ties were crooked, combing hair proved to be futile because it was messed up before leaving the house, brushing teeth out of the question, and if your brother touched you, you had to (by law) slug him even if half of the church was watching.
At times discouraged with myself and my abilities, I kept my head above water with a sense of humor and a camera and a good husband. Now that I am in the downhill side of child-rearing and moving into Grand-mothering, I feel like I can offer hope, help, and humor to those of you who are in the process of raising your families.
I will be starting with stories from years ago when my older kids were little, just to set the stage for all the funny stories to come, and will also add the new funny things as they come up. For years, we have considered ourselves “The Griswold’s.” We have so much material, that we could have several movies made…we’ve actually thought about it……
I start first with the story that made me famous. While we still laugh about this story and this story STILL gets passed around, at the time, it wasn’t so funny. ;o) Just know up front that I am a Mom who loves her kids more than anything in the world! Click here to read it…