I ordered French doors for the office when we started building. Long story short, the guy got mad at us and sold them, so Mr. Perfect and I are having to order new doors. I was looking at one with a seedy Baroque glass. It’s kind of an old fashioned looking glass, a French word pronounced “Burr Oak”. Well, Mr. Perfect called to order the door. When he came home he told me, “I told the guy that my wife wanted the seedy BAR O Q glass.” That’s right—BAR O Q, three syllables and as red neck as you can make it sound. I explained to Mr. Perfect the correct pronunciation. We figure the guy is still laughing about that. Of course, now we have to call them the BAR O Q glass doors, too! Even Doodle Bug knew the right pronunciation. BJ Dude probably does, too ;o). 1/9/06