January 14, 2010
Tonight I witnessed a remarkable event- a moment of tenderness, kindness and Christ-like love. It was my assignment this night to keep score for Young Women’s basketball in our Stake. The first game started out as usual. The girls were having a good time and giggling and laughing.

Coming late to the game for the purple team was sweet little Brooke. Brooke is autistic. Sometime in the 2nd half of the game, Brooke came in to play.

Her teammates gave her the ball at the top of the key. She quickly threw it to the girl in front of her who happened to be on the other team. That girl, not expecting the ball to bounce at her feet, picked it up and took off for her end of the court.
The next time down, Brooke was again given the ball. This time, the opposing player became aware of Brooke’s situation. Brooke threw the ball to her again. The cute Young Woman then threw it right back to her. Brooke giggled and threw it to her again. With a smile, this young gal threw it back. Then Brooke’s leaders and teammates started hollering, “Brooke! Throw it to someone in purple!” Brooke looked around and found a teammate in purple and threw them the ball to the cheers of everyone. Brooke began clapping with excitement.

A few minutes later, on the purple side of the court, the ball was coming into play. Brooke was standing at the top of the key again. There was at least 4-5 feet of space between her and any other player. All of a sudden the whistle blew. The referee (who happened to be in Brooke’s ward) walked over to one of the best players on the opposing team, touched her on the arm and said, “That’s a foul on you,” and gave Brooke the basketball. This darling young woman, at first stunned, quickly caught on and turned to the ref with a smile and said, “Oh! I can’t believe I did that!” The ref brought Brooke to the free throw line. She took the ball and threw up a good shot that fell a couple feet short of the basket. He then told Brooke to move up a little and had her shoot her second shot. This one bounced off the rim. But everyone cheered for her and she clapped and smiled.

The play continued on the other end of the court and upon coming back to purple’s side, the whistle blew again. The ref came back to the sweet, good player and said, “That’s another foul on you.” She giggled and said, “I was trying so hard not to this time!” Again Brooke was brought to the “line.” The ball went up and bounced around and off the rim again. The ref handed her the ball for her second shot. She took the ball and shot……SWISH!! The ball went through and the whole place erupted into cheers! Brooke began clapping excitedly. I sat there with tears in my eyes trying to capture it with my camera.

I came home that night and thanked my Heavenly Father once again that I could live amongst such great people! I was touched that I was able to witness His hand working through these beautiful young women and an inspired man to bring light into the life of one young woman. I dare say that many were lifted that night. It brought an incredible spirit into that little gym. And I’m hoping that the girl who committed the “fouls” went home knowing that the greatest amount of good she did that night was not in because of all the points she scored. I am grateful to witness that there is still a great amount of good in the world and these beautiful young women are part of the reason!