Rock Bottom– The foundation to bounce up


Rock Bottom.  We’ve all heard that statement, but what does it really mean?  I’ve heard numerous people tell me about their struggles and say, “things will not change until they hit rock bottom.”  Why is that so?  Thanks to Leslie Householder and her FTMF Course I learned a few things about Rock Bottom that have made a huge difference in my life.

1.  Rock Bottom is the point of change.   Most people are muddling through their lives in a comfort zone.  Even with their disfunctions, habits, and messes, they are comfortable.  How do I know that, you ask?  Well, I know that because change is UNCOMFORTABLE.  You have to do something different, CHANGE what you are doing.   And until you reach the point where the situation is MORE uncomfortable than change itself, you will stay in your situation or circumstance.  The above picture is true because a ball cannot bounce back up until it hits a surface with which to change its course.  In our lives, we spiral downward until we are  ready to bounce back up.

2.  You cannot force rock bottom onto some people.  They have to hit it themselves.  Sometimes “getting caught” brings about a rock bottom, but for others, they may not even care.  Drug addicts, pornography addicts, alcoholics, depression, abuse– you name it– some of them can get caught and be grateful that finally someone will help them get out of their hell, but for others, they may not even care and you know that their lives will continue to get worse because they have not hit their own rock bottom .

3.  Rock bottom truly is a foundation.  I have found that if I use the foundation of Christ, my bounce up is so much better.   Most of us have to hit a low point before we turn to Christ or God for help.  We truck along thinking we can handle it.  For addicts, they may think that they can stop anytime they want.   But once you realize that you cannot do it alone, then you find yourself laying there on the road to Jerusalem waiting for a good Samaritan.  When we hit this point and look UP– out of the pit– toward our Savior, then we have hope to bounce back and toward Him.  He sends us family, friends, programs, scriptures to lift us up and help us out of our hole.  Using the Savior as your foundation will ensure you do not ever go this far down again.

4.  Rock bottom is about purification.   Recognizing those things within us that need change is part of the purification process.  I believe that is when we need Christ the most.  We are on our knees pleading for help and hope.  He uses this to purify our souls and come to him.  It’s called repentance.  It is the greatest gift.  He truly wants us to be with Him, and the Savior understands our problems in a way no other could understand.

5.  We can hit  Rock bottom because of our own choices and mistakes, but we can also hit them because of others.  Either way, there is a purification process going on.  If another’s choices have caused you to hit rock bottom, then you have an opportunity to learn about forgiveness and unconditional love.  Difficult?  YES!  Life changing if you do?  YES YES YES!  The most powerful feeling in the world is when you feel overcome with pure love through forgiveness.  I recommend it.  It’s not easy, but it will change your life in no other way.

6.  Rock bottom is not just for addicts.  Rock bottom is for any of us trying to live a better life and get rid of habits and mind sets that are not for our best self.  Gossip, judging, hypocrite, dishonest, sarcastic, critical, naggy, bitter, envious, jealous?  Don’t think the addicts have the corner on the market.  They just have the bigger, easier to see and point-a-finger-at problems.  Try for one week to not say an unkind or critical thing to anyone.  Try not to THINK an unkind or critical thing of anyone– or pass judgment.  It is not an easy thing to do because most of us have spent a lifetime developing that trait.  Then when you see how difficult it is, have some pity and empathy for the addicts who are trying to quit.  It’s HARD!    You’ll see that casting stones and looking at motes in others eyes takes on a whole new meaning.  It’s hard to stop cold turkey.  First you have to WANT to change and second, you have to WORK at it.

7.  True Rock Bottom creates the most permanent change.  Those who hit true rock bottom and know that they never want to go there again, usually will not.  They somehow can quit “cold turkey.”   I admire these people because  they will make their decision and never look back.  There are also some who truly desire, but struggle a little more and have some set backs.   Either way, if the desire is there.  They will make the change.  And they always become a powerful force for good.

8.  The BEST news about Rock Bottom–There are different levels.  One of the best things I learned from Leslie’s course is that I can CHOOSE my rock bottom.  In the past, I would wallow, sulk, whine and complain my way to the depths of despair.  As soon as I understood this principle of CHOOSING my rock bottom, I started making a conscious choice to stop myself.  As I was going through the FTMF course, I found myself on a higher vibration than I had ever been before.  I was learning how to think better.  I was happy.  I was feeling the spirit all the time.  I felt a deep joy I had never felt before.  All of a sudden, I NEVER wanted to go back to those other feelings.  I LIKED the higher place.  So I would try and catch myself and say, “Nope this is rock bottom for me.”  When I started thinking unkind thoughts about someone, or becoming upset at what someone had said, I stopped myself.  I didn’t want to be a judgmental, envious person anymore!  I was done with that!  Have I conquered that entirely?  No.  But I am doing SO much better.  It is a powerful concept to raise your rock bottom.  I HIGHLY recommend trying it!

Be grateful for rock bottom.  Bounce up!  Use Christ as your foundation.  Raise your rock bottom.   Rebuild your life!

Write The Vision–You, Me, and Habakkuk

I’ve been writing a lot recently about vision, goals, writing, and lifevision.  I suppose it is because while I was doing my Lifevision certification, I read these different scriptures in my reading each morning and Lifevision was forefront on my radar.

Lifevision is a powerful tool in changing subconscious thinking and super charging your goals, giving you true clarity and focus.

Imagine how excited I was to come across this scripture in Habakkuk.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Let me break this down so you can see why I was so excited.

Write the vision and make it plain

One of the biggest reasons for having a coach while writing your lifevision statement is to get clear on what your want or “make it plain.”  Wording is very important so that your subconscious mind will absorb and take in what you have written.

…”that he may run that readeth it….”

It is interesting because when coaching others in writing lifevision, they can have a statemtn written that they REALLY want to accomplish, but if it isn’t written to resonate and feel comfortable, then you will resist it subconsciously.  When it is written correctly, you truly feel like running!  You are excited and invigorated and truly ready to RUN!

For the vision is yet for an appointed time,

Most goals we have will have a time for completion or a target date set for them.

but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:

The results we get/see are what speak and not lie.  Aren’t actions really truth? ;o)

though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Sometimes we have to be patient in waiting for our goals.  Some have a gestation time.  (check out the Universal Laws for more on that.)  But results DO come.  We reap the fruits of what we so (Another universal Law here– Cause & Effect/Law of the Harvest).  We either get what we want or we don’t.  Both are results and both are fruits of our labors.

When you write your lifevision and record it in your own words and set it to the correct music, you have a much better chance of reaping the fruits of what you truly want because you are changing subconscious on a deep level.  It works.

I’d love to be your Lifevision Coach.  Read about Lifevision HERE:


Does What’s on the Inside Really Count?

I was thinking in the shower. I always think in the shower. I wish I could plug something in to my brain to record all the great ideas and thoughts I have while in there. I suppose it is because it is quiet, no one is bugging me, and I am relaxed enough to LISTEN. Yeah, that’s probably it. So I should have a category called “shower ideas.” But then you’d think we’d all be playing games and eating food– baby showers, wedding showers, etc.

All that being said, I had this really great thought today. I was freezing. I couldn’t get warm. I had all this hot water dripping on me and I was still cold. I realized that it was because I had just eaten a cup of ice. (Don’t ask me why I eat ice in the winter when it is freezing outside. I just love it.) Anyway, this thought occurred to me that I couldn’t even use the outside forces of warmth to warm me up when I had created the cold from the inside. It’s probably one of the reasons I stay cool during our hot summers. There is nothing I love more that sitting by the pool with a huge cup of ice in my hand. My body gets warmed up by the sun, so I don’t get so cold. But I found it interesting that even though I wasn’t currently eating ice, I was still cold in the shower. I took me quite a while to finally warm up.

Then this analogy came to me. If I am taking something into my mind/body on a consistent basis, no force from the outside beating against me can change it. I would have to stop what I am taking in and then keep myself in the “outside” situation long enough for it to change.

As soon as I became aware of that, into my mind popped the thoughts about what I am taking into my mind/body to preserve my character, integrity, and spirituality. I realized that if I take daily doses of scriptures, prayer, kindness, service, positive thinking, and correct choices; no force outside of me can change me or sway me. I realized that no matter what Satan threw at me– movies, books, internet, criticism from others, tough choices or any of his fiery darts, they would not change me without me quitting what I was doing and lingering in that negative presence.

What is on the inside really does count. Or better yet, what we PUT on the inside on a regular basis really does count. Do you want a change in your life? A habit or struggle you are trying to overcome? Take in those good things and build and strengthen them, then you, too, will be protected from all the forces around you and stand calm and serene in the “mists of darkness” and confusion.

Eyes, Ears, Heart– What do these scriptures reference have to do with me?

I have spent the last year in a quest to document the Universal Laws and principles through scripture.  I have had some very enlightening moments, but none so great as this one. Continue reading Eyes, Ears, Heart– What do these scriptures reference have to do with me?

Solutions to problems pt 3– HOW

planeSometimes we get caught up in the worry about HOW we are going to accomplish our goals and dreams instead of turning it over to God and letting Him guide us in the HOW.

In April 2008, my husband was planning to attend a seminar in California. Money was very tight and I wasn’t sure HOW we could do it. But I knew it was important in reaching our goals and dreams, so I just figured things would all work out. Continue reading Solutions to problems pt 3– HOW

Are you Hearing or Doing?

ist2_2821698-your-word-is-a-lampLast night I was working on my Personal Progress in Young Women.  I read this scripture in James 1:22-27 “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves….”  I’ve heard this scripture over and over, but it finally resonated with me.  I have understood the teachings of the gospel and many of them are repeated over and over.  For example, I know that to keep my family safe and have the greatest chance of having my family stay on the right path and having them forever, I must do these 3 basics things:  Read scriptures daily, have family prayer daily, and have Family Home Evening once a week.  Simple, like looking at a staff, yet sometimes not easy to do.  Too much of life gets in the way. Continue reading Are you Hearing or Doing?

Creating a Good Marriage and Good Relationships

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There’s been a discussion on the Returned Missionary Moms list that I am on.  It was about marriage and how to improve a frustrating situation.  Here is the advice that I sent in.  One lady asked to share it, so I thought– “Hey, if  it’s good enough for her to share with her kids, maybe I should be sharing, too!”

A few years ago, I was cleaning my house and someone had left the TV on. I’m not sure what show was on, but I heard a lady complaining about her husband. I stopped to listen and heard her say something to the effect that she just wished her husband would come home and not go to the bar, that he would love her and her child and spend time with them. As she rattled off a few more simple things she wished for, I felt like I was hit with a ton of bricks. Continue reading Creating a Good Marriage and Good Relationships