Letters to my son


I thought it would be nice if on occasion I shared with you some of the letters I write to my son.  he is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  These young men leave between the age of 19-26 and serve for two years.  They are only allowed to call home twice a year– on Mother’s Day and Christmas, and are allowed to write home once a week.  At a time when most young men are “trying to find themselves,” our sons are out sacrificing and serving and truly becoming Men.  They return home with experience, wisdom, gratitude, humility, and as “giant’s in our eyes.

I write to my son once a week and often in those letters, I share scriptures I have read or great talks I have heard.  I thought I would share some of these thoughts, letters and insights with you.  If I have a post that was written to him, I will preface it with “Letter to my son.”  These really are for all my kids, he just happens to be the one I get to write to on a regular basis.

This particular son I admire so much.  He has overcome great adversity just to be serving this mission.  He has also been blessed with the gift of a beautiful voice, so you’ll see me share a bit about that on here as well.

I hope you’ll enjoy these letters.  I may include some of his insights as he has some great ones, too that he shares with me.






Mom Moments– gashes and throw up


Cinco wasn’t feeling too great, but wanted to go to the grocery store with me, so I took Mykelle along to help.  BJ Dude came too.  Just after we got in the store, BJ Dude was kind of running back and forth by my cart, and it looked like he was kind of annoying a lady close by.  I told him to stop goofing off, then turned to grab some lettuce.  I heard a ‘bonk’ and BJ Dude had grabbed his forehead crying.  I told him that it served him right and let him think for a minute or two.  Two aisles later, he took his hand off his head and he had blood down his hands and arm and had wiped it in his eye!  He had a little cut on his forehead.  It was deep enough for stitches, but only wide enough for a couple (about the width of one of the little metal things on the grocery carts).  Doodle Bug took him to the bathroom to clean him off, then we put a bandaid on it.  I bought some butterflies and fixed it.


We came home from the store, put groceries away, then headed to Shotgun’s football game.  Cinco still didn’t feel great, but played on the playground anyway.  After Shotugn’s game (they won– he scored one touchdown), we piled in the car and stopped at Sonic for a burger on our way to the girls games.  We waited forever (15 minutes) for our food.  Just after she brought it to us, Cinco threw up in the car.

Just another day in the life of a mother.  Written 10/25/03

What happens in Vegas…..

So last night BJ Dude called and wanted to go to Antigravity with his friends.  (Antigravitiy is a huge trampoline jumping place in town.)  MP was giving him all the correct parent counsel:

“Now be good.  Be safe.  Don’t get into any trouble…..”

BJ Dude cut in and said, “Dad, we’re going to Antigravity, not VEGAS!”


And THANK HEAVENS for that!!!  Love that kid!!

vegas strip

Best Definition of a Brain Freeze


brain freeze

The other day, I got Cinco a Frosty at Wendy’s.  A few minutes later, he is groaning and smacking his head.  Then he asks me what I think a brain freeze feels like.  I couldn’t come up with a quick definition.  Cinco quickly interrupts my thought process by saying, “I HATE brain freezes!  It feels like there are little guys in my head trying to punch my eyeball out.”

And there you have it!!  The best definition for a brain freeze that I’ve heard yet!

Bar O Q and Burr Oak


I ordered French doors for the office when we started building.  Long story short, the guy got mad at us and sold them, so Mr. Perfect and I are having to order new doors.  I was looking at one with a seedy Baroque glass.  It’s kind of an old fashioned looking glass, a French word pronounced  “Burr Oak”.  Well, Mr. Perfect called to order the door.  When he came home he told me, “I told the guy that my wife wanted the seedy BAR O Q glass.”  That’s right—BAR O Q, three syllables and as red neck as you can make it sound.   I explained to Mr. Perfect the correct pronunciation.  We figure the guy is still laughing about that.  Of course, now we have to call them the BAR O Q glass doors, too!  Even Doodle Bug knew the right pronunciation.  BJ Dude probably does, too ;o). 1/9/06

Bee, Bet, Bay… How do YOU say it?

At Costco, Doodle Bug had her dad buy these really good sorbet’s (pronounced Sore Bay).  They are actual halves of fruit– coconut, pineapple, lemon, orange, that are filled with the sorbet, or sherbet-type stuff, and frozen.  Yesterday, MP said that he was going to have a Sorbee.  When we started laughing, he said, “Okay a Sore Bet.”  Finally Doodle Bug told him that they were “Sore Bay’s”.  But from now on you can have all the Sorbee’s or SoreBET’s you want!  11/7/05

PS. They are SUPER YUMMY!!!



What’s in YOUR pond?

We were at the pond by our cabin with my uncle and his wife. MP said, “when I was down here this morning, I saw the MARLIN’s on the pond.”  There was another awkward pause in the conversation, and I said, “I didn’t know we had such LARGE fish in this pond.  Perhaps you meant the MALLARD ducks on the pond.”  “Yeah that was it!”   My uncle’s wife was laughing and said that she thought marlins were a big fish.  I told her that we liked more exotic things in our pond.  That pond is so big it may hold one marlin at best =)! 5/30/05

Here’s a picture of our pond:

Here’s a picture of a marlin:

Yeah…it would take up the whole pond… Might not even be able to turn around. 

Sapphires & Rootbeer


At the ball game the other night, Paul, my Mom, and I were talking about the fruit stand opening up.  Mom said that Grandma was cussing Grandpa for having all that pop in the cooler and they should have watermelon, etc, etc.  Paul said, “yeah.  They do pretty good selling the sapphire root beer.”  Mom kind of paused.  I said “SAPPHIRE?”  Mom looked at me with a quizzing look.  Since I am now fluent in Maloprop-eze, I said to mom, “let me translate for you–SASPARILLA!”  Mom was cracking up!!! 5/30/05
