Yep, me and Dr. Suess…we’ve got it figured out!!
I’m confessing here….knowing that this could cause great embarrassment on my part, but I’m willing to share this little piece of my funny day.
I was getting ready for work. I decided to wear my fushia pink shirt with my sky blue scarf (like the one I was wearing in my family picture). I grabbed big blue hoop earrings that matched my scarf and went to grab my shoes. By shoes, I mean flip flops. I have about one of every color of flip flops. They are the shoes I love to wear all the time. Easy on, easy off. Not constricting. Variety of colors, etc etc. So this particular morning, I decided to wear my blue flip flops that matched my outfit. They are stacked in my closet like so:

As you can see, they are kind of tucked under my shirts. So I bent down to find the blue ones, slid my right foot in and then, while putting my earrings in (you can all relate to this, right, girls?) I slid my left foot in the other shoe.
I grabbed all my stuff and raced off to work.
I had been at work for about an hour or so when I needed to get up and grab some copies off the copy machine. I usually slide my feet in and out of my shoes while sitting down, so I looked under the desk to slide my feet in and to my wonder and astonishment, there sat one ORANGE and one BLUE flip flop.
Stunned at my fashion ability, I hollered, “OH….MY….. GOSH!!” Then I started laughing and wondering how in the heck I could manage to go for about 2 hours never looking down at my feet and noticing what I had done BEFORE I left the house.
In utter amazement and still cracking up at myself. I slipped my shoes on and walked in to my husband’s office and stood there. He looked at me and I pointed at my feet which looked about like this:

He put his head in his hands and shook it back and forth, rolling his eyes, and said, “Well I guess it’s a good thing you can laugh at yourself!”
“Well, It’s hysterical!” I said. I mean, if you don’t laugh about it, then what do you do? Sit and pout and cry and be embarrassed? Really, who will know? Unless you post it on facebook and your blog, right? ;o)
Well, I went back about my business, still giggling and yes, I posted a note on facebook and then adjusted my schedule to NOT stop at the grocery store on the way home, cuz THAT would be embarrassing!
While I was sitting at my desk, our good friend Danny P came in. He is a super nice guy! The first thing he said to me was, “Hey, those are nice earrings! I like those!” I was laughing because they are HUGE blue things that my hubby hates because they
A: have color
B: are big
C: someone may “notice” them.
[Insert information here: MP (my hubby) does not like color. Ok, he likes color, he just doesn’t like to WEAR color. He’s a blue/gray/brown plain, simple, not-standout-ish kind of a guy and is embarrassed when I wear any colors (especially bright ones) because it will make you stand out and people will look at you. I’m ok with wearing color now that I’ve been studying Dressing Your Truth and now I know that I like to wear color and it’s okay and he doesn’t like to wear color and it’s okay. I’m at peace. He still struggles. ;o)]
So, when Danny noticed my earrings, I was kind of chuckling that I would get a compliment on them–especially when I couldn’t even get my shoes to match. MP was walking up to the desk as he heard the compliment and said, “If you like her earrings, you should see her shoes!” Yes, he ratted me out. Laughing, I showed Danny my shoes and he said, “Hey’ I’ve done that before!! I ‘ve worn two different Sunday shoes to church!” We got a good laugh at that. Only because, yes, I’ve done that before, too,– only they were both white and both pumps and you could only tell by a slight color variation. But Orange and Blue are a whole different story.
It got slightly funnier (I know that ‘s not a real word, but it works for me), when another man came in a bit later when MP was gone. He said, “I really like those colors together! That blue and pink are a great combination! When I was playing softball and was in charge of the uniforms , I ordered a red with that sky blue color. Everyone thought it was going to look ugly, but they were sharp looking! Oh, and I like the way your makeup matches your outfit!”
Now it was really funny. First of all, when do guys even notice color, let alone makeup? I thanked him and told him he was the most observant man I knew and that someone raised him well. He said it was his mom. ;o) I couldn’t help but think how great it would have been if MP had been here to hear that compliment. It was still funny because while I was receiving the compliemnt, I couldn’t help but think that my shoes weren’t matching.
It still cracks me up.
And yes, I do like to match my makeup colors to my outfit colors. It’s one of my quirks….kind of like flip flops.
You will be glad to know that I have looked down at my feet EVERY time I have left the house since that day. I match now. And I am at peace with color.