Dutch Oven (or crock pot) Ribs

I had team night at my house.  It happens often, but was our first for Shotgun.  Knowing I’d have a house full of hungry boys, I tried to think of something hearty and filling.  Ribs were on sale, so that decided it for me!

You can do these in the crock pot just as easy.  I just wanted to use the dutch oven and cook them outside on the grill to keep my messes down since I was making rolls, too.

What you’ll need:

boneless ribs, salt, pepper, garlic powder if wanted, BBQ sauce

Since I wanted these to taste a little rustic and campfire-y, I started at the grill.  You can brown them on your stove top if you’d like.  Just brown them.  As you can see it was nice and sunny after all our rain, so I went for the good stuff!  Besides, I hate washing pans and cleaning up splatters!

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I put the ribs on a hot grill and sprinkled them with kosher salt and pepper.  I like kosher salt!  It has such better flavor!

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Put plenty on them.  You can add garlic powder, too, but I forgot.

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Flip them over and season them on that side, too. I’m not sure if my grill was not hot enough or if I was impatient. You can brown them more than this.

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Once their seared, put them in your dutch oven or your crock pot, whichever you prefer.

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Stack ’em on in there.  Then put the lid on them and set them back on your grill with the temperature turned to low.  If you have a thermometer on your grill, I kept the temperature at 300 and cooked them for 3 hours.  If you are crock-potting, then turn them on high for 3-4 hours or low for 5-6 depending on your time.

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After cooking for 3 hours, drain off the liquid.  It took two of us to drain, so there was no picture taking of draining the dutch ovens, but here is the liquid.  Now you can save this and freeze it or refrigerate it if you are going to use it soon for soups or gravies.

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After the liquid is drained off, then pour your BBQ sauce over the top.  You can use your favorite or make a homemade one.  (I’ll post one below).  Then put the lid on and put it back on to cook for another 30 minutes or until you are ready to eat.

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Looking good already, huh?  This picture will have to suffice for the final one because once we brought them in and had prayer and lined them up, I forgot to take a picture.

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But here is a picture of some really cute boys eating their dinner.

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There you have it.  Two dutch ovens full of ribs, baked potato, green salad, Herbed Oatmeal Pan Bread and koolaid.  It just doesn’t get any better than this!!

Oh yeah, with the team’s 14 + my 8 + the 1 who dropped in= around 23 people.  We had just enough left for Mr. Perfect to have a couple of lunches made which left 1-2 ribs.  I hope they were all full!

The Democratic Process at its Finest

family firing

I hate to admit this, but sometimes our kids fight with each other.  And because of this, sometimes we take action.  This particular day, my hubby opted to be more democratic about the process, rather than grounding them all for life.

Shotgun was a baby and adored by everyone.  Scout was 5, just in kindergarten.  Doodlbug was 7 in 2nd grade.  Blondie was 8 and in 4th grade.  Sam was 11 and in 6th grade.

I was sitting in the kitchen ignoring all the fighting and commotion going on.  Mr. Perfect, on the other hand, had had enough!  So he called all of the kids into the living room for a discussion.  I was at the kitchen counter where all I could see was MP.

The discussion begins:

MP:  “Okay kids.  It’s obvious that mom and I have made a mistake and had too many children.  We can see that you don’t like each other, and so we’ve decided that we need to get rid of one person.  Here’s a piece of paper and a pencil.  You can vote for only one person.  You can even vote for the baby if you’d like.” (yeah ,right.  They all loved him!)

At this point, there was a lot of grumbling and complaining.  MP told them that it was “too bad it had come to this point,” and to “hurry up and fill out your paper.”

Sam was the first to turn his paper in.  Then the girls, Blondie and Doodle Bug.  Scout, who being in kindergarten was just learning to read and write at the time, was last.

The votes were in.

I was listening from the kitchen and wondering exactly how MP was going to handle this.  He began to unfold the first paper…..

“NO ONE!” he read.

“NO ONE AND THAT’S FINAL!”  Said the second one.  By now there was some snickering going on.

He opened the third one.  “Snowball.”  (This was the name of our cat that Sam hated, so everyone knew who had put that one in!)

By now, everyone but Scout was giggling and laughing.   Scout really had no idea what was going on and why everyone was laughing, then he blurted out, “What??  Did everyone else vote for Dad, too??”

Peels of laughter rang out from the Peanut Gallery!  I was laughing my head off.  MP was even cracking up as he unfolded the last paper and read: “DAD.”

“What?” said Scout.  “It’s the only word I know how to spell!!”

By now it was hysterical.  MP looked over to me for some kind of response to which I simply gave him the “OK” sign and mouthed the words, “That went REALLY well!”

And that, my friends, is how Dad’s and cats get voted out of the family.  The democratic process at it’s finest.

Twice Baked Potatoes

We LOVE twice baked potatoes at our house.  You  can make them fairly simply so don’t be scared of them unless of course you are feeding the ball team.  Then get help!  They love them.  Trust me.

What you’ll need:

Baking potatoes, butter, milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, onion, seasoned salt, cheese, paprika.

Here we go:

First, wash your potatoes thoroughly and place them in your hot oven unwrapped and bake for approximately 1 hour on 350 or until they are soft in the center when pierced with a fork.  I didn’t take a picture of this because I assumed everyone would know how to bake a potato.  Hope that’s okay.

Remove them from the oven and let cool for a few minutes.  This helps you not to burn your hands.  Okay.  Yes.  I’ve done it because I’ve been in a hurry and burnt my hands.  In that case, use your hot pad.

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Begin by slicing the top off the potato.  I do not chop mine in half.  I like more potato, so I only cut about 1/4 – 1/3 off the top.

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Just enough to create a nice “boat” like  above.

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Then with your spoon, create a little edge around your potato (about 1/4″) to create an outer shell.

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I go all the way around the potato.

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Then scoop them out into your bowl leaving your edge.

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Like so.  Then place the shell on your cookie sheet and repeat with other potatoes until they are all scooped out.  If you hate cleanup like me, you can line your cookie sheet with tinfoil.

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Scoop out that little bit in the tops that you cut off, too.  No wasting here!

If your mom that loves potato peels is around, give her those tops to eat.

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With all the potato filling in the bowl, we will now add the ingredients.  First, butter.  Mmmmm.

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Then milk, mayo, and sour cream.  Oh yeah!  It’s getting good!

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Now, grate your onion.  Sorry about those white knuckles.  I was working hard!

Then add your seasoned salt, and pepper if you’d like, and some grated cheese.

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Then stick your mixer in there and start blending.  Doesn’t have to be smooth.  Unless you want it to.  Chunky says “twice-baked” if you ask me.

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Now start filling your potatoes.

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Kind of press it in to make sure they are filled good.

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Make sure you heap them so they are full over the top.  Repeat with remaining potato shells.

If you have any left and have them filled as much as you want, you have my permission to eat the remainders.  We fight over that little bit at our house.

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This is the frilly part.  It delights your guests and just speaks “classy.”  Sprinkle a little bit of paprika on them.  It makes them look pretty.  It may add some flavor, but I mostly do it because it looks fancier.  Listen….I watch a lot of food network.  Okay?

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Now take your grated cheese and kind of press it into the tops.  Put as much as you like on there.  We love cheese around here, so I try to be somewhat generous.

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Once you have them all done, pop them into the oven.  If you’re in a hurry, put them at 350 for about 5 minutes.  You just want the cheese to melt.  If you are still preparing other meal items, then put the temperature lower to keep them warm and melt them.

At this point, you can also put them in the fridge.  If I am cooking for a large group or a special occasion.  I can make these in the morning,then put them in the fridge like this and pop them in the oven at dinner time.  It is a nice side dish that can be made ahead and keep things simpler in the kitchen at dinner time.

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Oh YUMMY!!! Look at that!! My mouth is watering!

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This particular night, we had creamed peas and The Pioneer Woman’s Grilled Ribeye Steak with Onion-Bleu Cheese sauce.  And those are the mushrooms I tried from Pioneer Woman.  I LOVE mushrooms– especially on steak!

MMMMMMMmmmmmmm Good!

Denise’s Twice Baked Potatoes

8 baking potatoes washed
2 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup sour cream
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1-2 tablespoon onions grated
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Milk as needed for moisture
Grated cheddar cheese
Wash potatoes and bake in 350 oven until soft in center (1-1 1/2 hours).  Let cool slightly.  Cut top third off potatoes.  Into bowl, Scoop out center of potato leaving 1/8″ edge around potato for support (don’t scrape to the peeling).  Can scrap out of the top cut off, too.  Place potato shells on cookie sheet. Mash potatoes as you would for typical mashed potatoes, adding the remaining ingredients.  Adjust seasonings to taste.  Can also add more milk,  mayo and sour cream if needed for creaminess.  (Using mixer works fast).  Add small amount of cheese to potatoes and mix in.  Scoop potato mixture back into shells so they heap above the top.  Sprinkle with paprika and put more cheddar cheese on top.  Place potatoes back in oven and cook until cheese is melted and they are warmed through– 15 minutes or so.

My Name in Lights–Hot Pink Neon– To be Exact Part 2

The Best is Yet to Come

The next morning I had a meeting.  I was still upset over what had happened and decided to tell my group the story.  Why?  I do not know.  Maybe I thought they would tell me I was still a good mom or put their arm around me, which I needed.   As I began to tell the group this story, one of the ladies said, “THAT WAS YOU??!!”

“You heard this story already?!” I asked in unbelief.  I hadn’t told anyone, so I couldn’t figure out how anyone knew anything.

“Yes, I heard this story,” she replied.  “My husband was in Hurst’s last night and everyone was talking about the lady that left her baby there!  They said it was Lisa Frei.”

Now you need to understand that there are two Lisa Freis in my town.  They are both my cousins and beautiful wonderful women, but in my quick thinking mind, I said, “That’s who it was!!  Just remember that…..Lisa Frei.”  Of course, I was being funny, but at least there were TWO of them to share the blame.

Back to Hurst’s– Yes, I’m Crazy!

That afternoon, I went back to Hurst’s to thank the ladies for helping me with my baby, to apologize, beg forgiveness, and, as a side note, to get some fabric for curtains.  This time my oldest was in school, so I had the baby, and my two girls who were 2 and 3, almost 4.  We went into the store and up the stairs to the fabric department when my 2 year old needed to go to the bathroom.  The 3 year old told me she would take her, that she had to go, too. I was a little concerned because the bathroom was down the four stairs and to the right at the end of the aisle.  Being small, I wasn’t sure if they could remember how to get there, but the oldest assured me she could find it, having been there before.  I told them that I would finish figuring out the amount of fabric for them to cut, then would be right down.  So off they went.  I began to calculate numbers in my head when not only I, but the entire store, heard the most blood-curdling screams.  Thinking my daughter’s had run into a cockroach or something at the bottom of the stairs, I asked the clerks if it would be okay for me to leave my baby there, promising to come right back and get him, so I could see what happened with the girls.

“Of course,” they replied.   They were SO nice!

I met my daughters along with two other store employees at the bottom of the stairs, just a few feet from where I had been, but just out of view of the material counter.  There was some remodeling going on in the store.  At the bottom of the stairs, directly to the right, they were re-tiling the floor.  They had it roped off with yellow caution tape and had glued up the floor waiting for it to dry a little so they could lay the tile.  Obviously, my girls couldn’t read, so they took the shortcut under the tape.

The Shortcut– It’s a little Sticky!

Now my girls were in these cute little “twinsie” sundresses and their Mickey Mouse house shoes.  Because Mickey was so fuzzy, he got stuck in the glue quickly.  So they did what anyone would do….Sit down and take the shoes off.  So here they were—shoes stuck to the glue, underwear stuck to their bottoms, dresses stuck to their underwear and they were screaming like banshees.   I’m thinking the glue is burning them because they were screaming so much.  The two workers helped me gather them and their shoes up and we took them up to the fabric counter where they gave me some scrap fabric to see if I could wipe them off in case the glue was burning them.  We wiped them up as best we could.  The ladies grabbed a plastic bag and threw their shoes in it.

Now I was in another predicament.  Its mid-July, over 100 degrees outside in our Southern Utah heat.  The girls have no shoes, so they can’t walk themselves to the car.  I have a purse, a baby in a car seat and two girls to try and get to the car.  Running in bare feet was not an option—way too hot.  So I did what any reasonable woman would do— I called my hubby to come and help me out of there.

MP to the Rescue?

“Hello, MP?”


“I’m at Hurst’s and I have a little problem……”

“You’re at Hurst’s??!!”

“….well, yes.  The girls got stuck in some glue and I was wondering if you were coming this way and could help me out?……”

“I can’t believe you went in that store again!!  YOU got yourself into this mess, YOU get yourself out!!! And don’t you EVER go shopping again without getting a babysitter!!”  CLICK!

Well, it was obvious he wasn’t going to show his face in there ever again.  I didn’t want the ladies to hear that conversation either.  I was pretty embarrassed.  But now I needed to get out of there and QUICK!  But how?  I was ready to burst into tears.

To this day, I’m not sure how I made it out.  I’m pretty sure one of the employees helped me carry the kids to the car.  What I do remember was driving to MP’s shop, stripping all the glued-up clothes off the girls and putting them in the plastic bag with the house shoes, and chucking the whole thing in the dumpster, and crying and thinking all the way home, “I am the worst mother ever and I’m never going shopping again!”

That night, I went to a wedding shower with my mom.  I was telling her what happened and by now was giggling about it, when one of the ladies in front of us, who had been listening in, turned around and said, “THAT WAS YOU?”

For gosh sakes……“How did YOU hear about this?”  I asked, perplexed at how the story had again traveled out of my circle.

“Well, I was at the Nutrition store last night (around the corner from Hurst’s) and people came in there from Hurst’s talking about the lady who left her baby at the store.”

Talk about embarrassing.  But at least the people in the Nutrition store didn’t know who it was.

Lessons Learned

If there is a lesson to be learned, it would be this:

1.  Always count your children, even if you think only irresponsible parents could forget one of their own offspring.

2.  Superman (aka: your husband) does not always show up in times of distress like he does for Lois Lane.

3.  When your husband says, “I’m going home and taking the kids,” make sure he takes ALL of them or clarifies which ones he is taking.

4.  Be prepared to tell these stories at ward parties or in big groups of people who need a good laugh.  (As if you were a stand-up comedian or some freak circus act!)

5.  People don’t forget.  It’s been 21 years since this occurrence and people still ask me, “Aren’t you the one who left your kid?”

“I think it was Lisa Frei,” I respond.  Even though across my forehead a bright neon sign flashes in hot pink, “YES!  IT WAS ME!  I LEFT MY KID!  We are getting psychological help!”

I’ve been branded for life in hot pink neon.

Here’s a picture of them just a month or two before this event.  They are with their great-great Grandpa taking.  We were taking 5th generation photos that day.  Just want you to get a feel for how cute and little they were at this time…..


My Name in Lights—Hot Pink Neon–to be Exact Part 1

One nice hot Monday in July 1991 Mr. Perfect and I had decided to invite one of his employees over for dinner and for Family Home Evening.  Having moved into our new home a few months before, I decided that I needed to grab a little decoration for our home while on my way to make copies for our lesson that night.  I took my then four kids, ages 3 months, 2, 3 & 5, to run the errands with me.  The first stop was Hurst’s Ben Franklin, the local variety store.  Mr. Perfect had done some work for them and had some trade there, so I thought it would be great to pick up a couple of silk plants and vases to spruce up the living room.


Upon arriving in the store, we ran into my mother.  The kids jumped up and down and yelled at seeing Grandma, then began running up and down the stairs with more energy than all of us put together.  I also arranged to meet Mr. Perfect there which added to the kid’s excitement.


I was holding the baby, Scout, in his car seat and it was getting really heavy.  I sat him on the counter that I was standing next to while asking the ladies there for help.  Mr. Perfect became so frustrated with the kids running around that he announced to me, “I’m going home and taking the kids!”


Well, that was a relief, since I was in a hurry to get things taken care of for the evening anyway.  MP told me the procedure I had to go through to check out since we were doing a trade, then he left.


With his instructions running through my mind to keep things straight, I quickly made my selection, and gathered up my goods and made my way to the checkout.  I raced to the car, ran to make my copies and hurried home knowing I was already behind schedule, our guest was probably there at the house, and I didn’t have dinner started.


As I pulled in the driveway and got out of the car, I was met by MP who quickly asked me if I had forgotten anything.  I started running through the list in my head, hoping I hadn’t but couldn’t come up with anything.  I looked at him inquisitively and said, “No, I don’t think so.  What?”


He then asked me, “Where is the BABY?”  I began to think backwards….”he wasn’t in the car.  I couldn’t remember taking him out or leaving him in the car at the copy store….”  Then interrupting my thought process, MP snapped, “YOU LEFT THE BABY AT HURST’S!!!”


“WHAT??!!!”  I replied.  Then my heart began beating out of my chest.


“I received a call a few minutes ago.” MP said.


“Is Denise Webster there?”


“No she isn’t.  May I take a message?”


“This is the manager at Hurst’s.  When do you expect her home?”


“Well, she was just at your store, and……”


“Yes, I know that.  She left her baby here.”


“WHAT?? Is he Okay?”


“Well, yes, but he woke up and we had to give him a little water, if that’s all right.”


“Uh, sure it’s all right.  I’m sorry.  She had to run another errand.  Maybe she will remember and pick him up in a few minutes.”


I pulled up shortly after this conversation.  Now remember, this was in the BC days (before cell phones) which is why I believe cell phones were invented—for mother’s like me!  Fortunately, at that time, the town was still small enough that you knew most everyone, and the workers in that store had gone to school with MP and I, so they knew us.  Still, that didn’t calm my heart from pounding out of my chest.


MP was frantic because I had been so long and had forgotten the baby.  I was frantic because not only had I left the baby, but on top of it, our company was there and I hadn’t started dinner.


Like a nice wife, I sent MP and the guest to pick up the baby for two reasons:  1.  I was extremely embarrassed, and 2.  MP had no idea how to start the dinner.


I don’t think my heart quit pounding for about 3 or  4 hours, and I couldn’t put that baby down after that.  I had to hang on to him!  I didn’t even trust myself.


If would be nice if the story ended here, but it just so happens that it doesn’t.  It gets better.


Dentists, Destruction, Dating, and Decorating

This record is from August 4, 2002 when I first started recording Malapropisms.

I started noticing malapropisms ran in the family when Mr. Perfect’s brother told us following a dentist appointment of his that he had an “incestuous” tooth.  Yep.  It raised my eyebrows, too.

Then my daughter, Blondie, wrote on her English report following the 9/11 attacks that our country was having a problem with “tourism.”    Now that could be true in large part due to the “terrorism” that she was meaning to say.

Sam told us that he overheard some kids talking about him and a girl sitting together in the library.  MP responded, “What?  Are you guys an OBJECT now?”  (Most puppy-lover’s are referred to as an “Item” for those of you who missed that one.)

During this week of August 2002, MP and I were looking over the plans for our cabin to see where we wanted electrical outlets and switches and such.  MP pointed to an area in the loft by the stairs and said, “You can put one of those “tofu” beds here.”

Of course, I responded with “Tofu?”

Realizing that he must have said it wrong, he said, “What is it?  TooFawn?”

Starting to laugh even harder, I responded, “TooFawn?”  I let him suffer for a minute before I told him the word he was looking for……FUTON!

However, we do speak fondly of Tofu couches all the time now.

All About Becoming A Good Parent

What I would like to accomplish on All About Becoming A Good Parents is to share some stories of Motherhood.  As a young girl, my only dream was to become a mother and have a family.  I wanted to be the BEST mother in the world, loved and adored by her spouse and children.  Somewhere, sometime following marriage and the birth of my children, reality set in.

I soon found out that I was not perfect and things didn’t always go as I planned, like my kids sitting reverently in church perfectly dressed.  No, I found out that finding matching socks was like playing a long game of “Concentration” and finding your kids Sunday shoes was like playing “I spy.”  Shirts weren’t tucked in or pressed, ties were crooked, combing hair proved to be futile because it was messed up before leaving the house, brushing teeth out of the question, and if your brother touched you, you had to (by law) slug him even if half of the church was watching.

At times discouraged with myself and my abilities, I kept my head above water with a sense of humor and a camera and a good husband.  Now that I am in the downhill side of child-rearing and moving into Grand-mothering, I feel like I can offer hope, help, and humor to those of you who are in the process of raising your families.

I will be starting with stories from years ago when my older kids were little, just to set the stage for all the funny stories to come, and will also add the new funny things as they come up.  For years, we have considered ourselves “The Griswold’s.”  We have so much material, that we could have several movies made…we’ve actually thought about it……

I start first with the story that made me famous.  While we still laugh about this story and this story STILL gets passed around, at the time, it wasn’t so funny. ;o)  Just know up front that I am a Mom who loves her kids more than anything in the world! Click here to read it

Cheeseburger Soup

Cheeseburger soup is the family favorite.  So favorite, in fact, that it has been requested as “the last supper” for our exchange student and was the must have recipe for my son on a mission.

This soup is hearty enough for a meal.  Most soups require a lot more with it to be filling, but not this one.  A nice slice of homemade bread or a roll and you have a meal.

First, two disclaimers:

1.  The small lens to my camera was dropped and broken, so these pictures are with the long range lens which means I had to stand on stools, counters, and hang from the rafters to get photos.

2.  I am not a photographer.  Don’t plan to be.  I will do my best, but I don’t understand aperature, numbers, lighting, and such.  Hopefully, I will get better but being a photographer is not my lifelong goal.

This day I made cheeseburger soup for the scouts.  I think I 3 or 4 timesed it.   (Timesed must not be a word.  I’m getting a red line.  However, I’ve heard it said so much and being a Webster, I’m counting it!)  Bear that in mind as you chop and dice.  You will have less than I show in the pics.

What you’ll need:

Ground beef, onion, carrots, celery, dried basil, dried parsley, salt, pepper, chicken broth, potatoes, milk, butter, flour, velveeta cheese, sourcream.

Here we go:

Cheeseburger Soup 001 sm

First, brown your ground beef in your soup pot.  (I’m lazy.  Like to confine my mess to as few pans as possible.)

Cheeseburger Soup 002 sm

While the meat is browning, begin dicing your veggies.  Since I have a lot of chopping to do, and I am lazy, I will throw mine in the food processor.  First, I chunk them up.
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Then I throw them in the food processor.

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There they are all diced fine.  I like to do mine small so picky people don’t have to deal with “chunks.”

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If you’re meat is browned, drain it and leave it for a minute while you get the other ready.  Can’t you just feel the heat from that steam??  Please drop a few pieces of hamburger in your sink.  It will make me feel better. Thanks!

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Chopping carrots.  You can either buy these match stick carrots if you are lazy (like me), like them chunky, or are in a hurry (that’s me, too).  I actually just threw these in the food processor, too.

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All chopped up.

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Now the celery.

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Chop it up.

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In the same pan you browned the meat in, melt your butter and add the chopped veggies along with your basil and parsley.  I used fresh parsley because my dried was low and I had fresh on hand.   I usually use the dried.   Saute until tender.

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Add your chicken broth.

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Then add your diced potatoes.  If you’re lucky and have help, then they can be dicing while you are getting the other stuff ready.  No one was home this day, so I diced after I added my broth.  I like my potatoes small and bite sized.  I slice them length-wise, then flip them and slice length-wise again, then dice OR

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If you have four timesed the batch and have a lot to dice, you can use your handy dandy slicer to speed things up.

Add the diced potatoes to your pot along with your drained hamburger and bring it to a boil.  Cover the pot and let them simmer until soft, about 10 or so minutes.  Or about the time it takes to make your roux.

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In another sauce pan, (sorry we have to dirty another pan here), melt your butter and add the flour.  Make sure your pan is well loved and used like mine.

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Stir it until you have a paste.  Then add it to your soup pot and stir to thicken.Cheeseburger Soup 019 sm

Make sure your pan is large enough or you may have to go grab your even LARGER pan and transfer the soup over.   I should have only 3 timesed this, but hey, I was worried about feeding hungry, cold boys…..

After you add your roux, add your milk.

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Then dice up your cheese in chunks.

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Add it to your pot and stir until it’s melted.  Add your sour cream last and stir until mixed in.

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And TaDa!  You have your pot of Cheeseburger soup that is brimming close to the top, so you have to scoop some out into bowls for your married kids so that it doesn’t spill all over the scout leader’s car.  Especially when the scout leader is your hubby!

It should look a little more orangeish.  I think I didn’t get all the cheese in, but you will LOVE it!!

Hearty and delicious and perfect for a cold winter day or a Last Supper.

Cheeseburger Soup  Makes 4 servings  (which means I always double it!)

1/2 pound ground beef
3/4 cup chopped onions
3/4 cup shredded carrots
3/4 cup diced celery
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
4 tablespoons butter or margarine, divided
3 cups chicken broth
4 cups peeled, diced potatoes (1 3/4 lbs or 4-5 potatoes)
1/4 cup flour
8 ounces velveeta cubed
1 1/2 cups milk
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup sour cream
In a 3 qt. sauce pan, brown beef; drain and set aside.
In the same saucepan, saute onion, carrots, celery, basil, andparsley in 1 T butter until vegetables are tender, about 10 min.
Add broth, potatoes, and beef; bring to a boil.  Reduce heat, cover and simmer 10-12 min. or until potatoes are tender.
Meanwhile, in small skillet, melt remaining butter.  Add flour; cook and stir 3-5 min. until bubbly.
Add cheese, milk, salt, and pepper; cook and stir until cheese melts.  Remove from the heat; blend in sour cream.
2/14/12 Note:  I made this soup last night because is was a nice cold, rainy day.  I didn’t really read the recipe and forgot to drain the meat.  I just threw the carrots, celery, and onions in with the hamburger and sauteed it after the meat was browned.  It turned out just fine– actually it was really  yummy!  So I didn’t use all the butter it called for– just what I needed for the roux.

Malaprops– The beginning

The reason for sharing our Malapropisms is simple.  There are a few people at my house that are fluent in them.  They have a knack for coming up with a whole different word than what is meant.  Among the leaders is Mr. Perfect, the Counter top Man, Malaprop Man.  He’s good at it, too.  His daughter, Blondie, ranks a close second.  However, there are others who join in the ranks.  I’m sure I’ve done it a time or two myself, but Mr. Perfect has it down to a science.  Thus, I will share with you our best Malapropisms over the years along with the date I originally wrote them.  Prepare yourself for a new vocabulary.

I guess I should start with the first malapropism I ever heard from him.  MP was serving an LDS Church Mission in Germany.  He had sent home a birthday card to my little sister telling her she was a “cute and a sweat girl.”

We’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of that over the years.  Every once in a while, he wraps me in his arms and says, “I love you, sweatheart.”  Yep, he’s a romantic!  And he’s funny.   And he’s mine!

What’s Right In the World

January 14, 2010

Tonight I witnessed a remarkable event- a moment of tenderness, kindness and Christ-like love.   It was my assignment this night to keep score for Young Women’s basketball in our Stake.   The first game started out as usual.  The girls were having a good time and giggling and laughing.

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Coming late to the game for the purple team was sweet little Brooke.  Brooke is autistic.  Sometime in the 2nd half of the game, Brooke came in to play.

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Her teammates gave her the ball at the top of the key.  She quickly threw it to the girl in front of her who happened to be on the other team.  That girl, not expecting the ball to bounce at her feet, picked it up and took off for her end of the court.

The next time down, Brooke was again given the ball.  This time, the opposing player became aware of Brooke’s situation.  Brooke threw the ball to her again.  The cute Young Woman then threw it right back to her.  Brooke giggled and threw it to her again.  With a smile, this young gal threw it back.  Then Brooke’s leaders and teammates started hollering, “Brooke!  Throw it to someone in purple!”  Brooke looked around and found a teammate in purple and threw them the ball to the cheers of everyone.  Brooke began clapping with excitement.

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A few minutes later, on the purple side of the court, the ball was coming into play.  Brooke was standing at the top of the key again.  There was at least 4-5 feet of space between her and any other player.  All of a sudden the whistle blew.  The referee (who happened to be in Brooke’s ward) walked over to one of the best players on the opposing team, touched her on the arm and said, “That’s a foul on you,” and gave Brooke the basketball.  This darling young woman, at first stunned, quickly caught on and turned to the ref with a smile and said, “Oh!  I can’t believe I did that!”  The ref brought Brooke to the free throw line.  She took the ball and threw up a good shot that fell a couple feet short of the basket.  He then told Brooke to move up a little and had her shoot her second shot.  This one bounced off the rim.  But everyone cheered for her and she clapped and smiled.

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The play continued on the other end of the court and upon coming back to purple’s side, the whistle blew again.  The ref came back to the sweet, good player and said, “That’s another foul on you.”  She giggled and said, “I was trying so hard not to this time!”  Again Brooke was brought to the “line.”  The ball went up and bounced around and off the rim again.  The ref handed her the ball for her second shot.  She took the ball and shot……SWISH!!  The ball went through and the whole place erupted into cheers!   Brooke began clapping excitedly.  I sat there with tears in my eyes trying to capture it with my camera.

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I came home that night and thanked my Heavenly Father once again that I could live amongst such great people!  I was touched that I was able to witness His hand working through these beautiful young women and an inspired man to bring light into the life of one young woman.  I dare say that many were lifted that night.  It brought an incredible spirit into that little gym.  And I’m hoping that the girl who committed the “fouls” went home knowing that the greatest amount of good she did that night was not in because of all the points she scored.  I am grateful to witness that there is still a great amount of good in the world and these beautiful young women are part of the reason!