“Doctrinal Diamonds and Scriptural Sapphires: Self Help in the Scriptures Through Universal Laws”
by Denise Webster
Coming Soon
Have you watched or read the book, “The Secret?” Did you find that there were some elements of truth to it, but wondered if the principles taught were really “truth?” Did you wonder if it was in line with LDS scripture?
At a time in my life of great difficulty and struggle, I was watching the movie, “The Secret” upon a recommendation from a friend. Looking for answers for how I would be able to help my children have enough control over their minds that when they left home, they knew they were in control of their own thoughts and their own lives, the movie “The Secret” seemed to be an answer to a mother’s prayer.
“No matter what has happened in your life, it can all be changed with one thought.”
This statement made in the movie was what struck me to the core. This was the concept I was trying to teach my kids. No matter the mistakes you’ve made, or the challenges that come, or the difficult people, or environmental calamities, YOU have control by what you think next. Not everything I saw in the movie was in line with the gospel principles of what I had been taught, but there was so much truth that I wanted to learn more. I wanted to know HOW to do it. Yet in the back of my mind loomed this question,
“Are these teachings really taught in the scriptures? Is this the Lord’s plan first and not man’s? Is this ‘on the fringe’ of my religion?”
My religion and my relationship with God have always been the most important things in my life. It has always been important to me to be on His path and learning in His way. Therefore, I didn’t feel I could embrace a program or a book if I couldn’t document or know for myself that those concepts were truth taught by God through the scriptures.
The intrigue with the movie, “The Secret” led me to read a book called, “The Jackrabbit Factor” by Leslie Householder at the recommendation of a friend. The principles resonated and I wanted to know more. Searching online, I found that Leslie had another book called, “Hidden Treasures, Heaven’s Astonishing Help Your Money Matters.” This was the book that I wanted to read. Did Heaven REALLY help with money matters? I raced to the bookstore and was grateful to find both books there.
Sitting down and reading both books immediately, I subscribed to Leslie’s website because I needed to know more. I needed to know HOW to implement what I was learning. I needed to know how to teach my children.
I continued on with Leslie by taking her home study course and attending her Mentor Training. My personal growth was progressing by leaps and bounds. I realized that I needed this more than my children. I felt the truth of what I was learning, yet in the back of my mind still loomed, “Is this really in line with scripture and LDS doctrine?” I could see it and feel it, but I needed documented proof.
Thus began my quest in the scriptures.
I felt the surest way for me to know for myself was to simply read and find out. I began reading the Book of Mormon with our Relief Society on a 60 day read. As soon as I started, I began seeing the laws and principles, so I grabbed a notebook and began documenting. By the end of the year, I had read all 5 cannons of scripture, had recorded many laws and principles and more importantly had received what I feel was a great amount of personal revelation, developed a relationship with my Heavenly Father, and created a habit of daily scripture reading and prayer.
With a notebook full of valuable insights, I had no idea what to do with, I held onto it and started taking different classes to prepare me for the day I could publish this book. I believe that part of that time was for me to have enough experiences to share in the book to show examples of what I had learned in the scriptures. I also learned that you can’t really “fix” or “save” another person; you can only do that for yourself. But along the way, you will be able to meet and help a LOT of other people and hold up a light to show them there is a way and hope.
Even now as I read and re-read this book, I am amazed at what I have forgotten and that each time I read it another lesson I needed to remember or law I need to use comes right back to help me. It is a gift that keeps on giving.
I hope you’ll read it again and again to gain valuable insights. But most importantly, I hope you will pour into the scriptures and be taught by them with God whispering those things YOU need to hear.